Meet the faces of SENSR
Our team consists of scientists with extensive experience in environmental data management, protocol development, and software applications.
Erin Bayne
Erin is a professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta. As the director of SENSR and co-director of the ABMI Science Centre, he facilitates interactions between academics, government, and industry. His research focuses on how biodiversity is impacted by human activities with the goal of seeking ways to minimize impacts. Most recently, he has focused on using environmental sensors, like ARUs and cameras, and data integration to answer large-scale conservation and macroecology questions by directing development of the WildTrax platform. While he does not have a particular taxonomic focus, he is best known for the development of tools that help us understand the behavioural, population, and community dynamics of birds at various spatial and temporal scales.
Alex MacPhail
Acoustic Information Manager
Alex leads acoustic operations at SENSR, specializing in managing extensive big acoustic datasets, and effectively communicating insights drawn from environmental sensor and biological data. His expertise and interests lie in leveraging software tools and data management solutions for species conservation. He also manages acoustic sensor operations and development in WildTrax.
Cassie Stevenson
Senior Wildlife Camera Coordinator
Cassie is the Senior Wildlife Camera Coordinator with SENSR. She oversees remote camera operations, including intake and processing of internal and external data, ongoing platform enhancements to WildTrax, and the development of standards and protocols for managing and analyzing remote camera data. When she isn’t helping the SENSR community and WildTrax users get the most out of their sensor data, you can find her supporting collaboration and data integration as the coordinator of the Alberta Remote Camera Steering Committee (RCSC).